Lifelong learning: A Blog About Education And Development

Two Tips to Follow if You Want to Learn to Swim Quickly

If you want to learn to swim as fast as possible, here are some tips to follow.

1. Opt for early morning swim lessons

The first few weeks of swimming lessons are the toughest, as you have to master staying afloat, have to remember to breathe in time with your swim stroke, pay attention to any adjustments the instructor gives you whilst you're head is dipping in and out of the water, and also adjust to keeping your eyes open and holding your breath underwater without panicking. Because of this, you'll need to be energised and focused if you want to do well during these lessons and progress very quickly.

With this in mind, you should consider taking morning swim lessons. If you opt for evening lessons instead, you might be too wiped out from the day's events to muster up the energy to go and partake in some physically demanding swimming lessons. Even if you manage to drag yourself to these evening lessons, you might be too tired to take in the things the swimming instructor says or to move in the coordinated way you need to, and as a result of this, you'll probably take longer to progress. Worse still, because swimming lessons are very physically demanding, you might be more tempted to just skip them after a long day of work or looking after your family.

In contrast, if you have your lessons early in the morning before you've done any other tasks and still have plenty of energy, you'll not only be more likely to attend the lessons but should find it easier to cope with the mental and physical challenges you'll be presented with. This, in turn, should help you to get better at swimming quite quickly.

2. Ensure you have everything you need to feel comfortable for your swimming lessons

Another way to maximise your chances of quickly becoming a strong swimmer is to invest in any items you personally need to feel comfortable during your lessons. The reason for this is that if something is bothering you during a lesson, you'll be less likely to follow what the instructor is saying.

For instance, if you have very sensitive eyes and find that they string a lot when you swim in pools with chlorine, then you should ensure that you get a high-quality pair of goggles so that your stinging eyes don't distract you from taking on your swim instructor's advice. Likewise, if you feel self-conscious when wearing traditional bathing suits, you should consider wearing swim shorts and a full-sleeved rash guard instead, so that your self-consciousness does not make you hesitant to do swimming strokes where certain body parts are more visible.